All Good In The Hood

Another Julia Seizure pinup, thanks!

Fairy Good!

I love it when I discover new UK talent! In addition to the huge backpiece below, these cartoon pinups were also done by Emma Kierzek.

Gypsy Queen

Another beautiful gypsy from Dawnii

Chinese dragon tattoofor girls

The dragon tattoo design makes a unique and powerful personal statement for the individual who chooses it for self-expression in body art.And the Chinese dragon tattoo is really awesome.The Chinese dragon has been a symbol of power and mystery
Chinese dragon tattoo The meaning of Chinese dragon tattoo
In medieval Europe, the dragon was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its malevolence and ferociousness struck terror in all. But in Asia, the dragon is the contrary. The mighty dragon is a mythical beast long celebrated for its benevolence, intelligence and good will, which can protect us and give us good luck!

Christian Cross Tattoos for girls

A great variety of Christian symbols have been turned into tattoo images, none more so than the cross. Christian cross tattoos portraying a variety of the cross are always abundant; after all, this is the most appropriate and most familiar Christian image of all.

Some cross tattoos show Jesus on the cross, while others show the cross, often with realistic wood graining, with a crown of thorns hung over one arm. Other cross tattoos consists of crossed nails such as big, rough looking nails like those that were used to hang Jesus on the cross.

Other popular Christian cross tattoo images include the Celtic cross (probably one of the most popular Christian tattoos of all), the Russian cross, and the Egyptian 'ankh', a cross with a circular shape on top, the ancient Egyptian symbol for 'life'.

Besides the cross, there are other Christian images that are often used in Christian cross tattoos. The fish symbol is a great illustration based on assorted biblical references, a stylized fish symbol is frequently used as a symbol of Christ. This is a compact, but quite prominent symbol that lends itself well to tattooing, especially in black.

However, there are also other tattoos that may be gang related such as the Hispanic Christian Cross Tattoos.

They are an interesting sub-group. If you know anything about their traditions, you won't be too surprised to learn that most Mexicans and other Hispanic people, even though they are involved in gangs or other criminal activities, are deeply religious and rely on their Christian symbols to both identify and protect them.

These Christian cross tattoos are rather complex, many involve a tattooed image of a saint, Jesus, or the Virgin Mary. Hispanic tattoos often have words, as well, usually a Bible verse, perhaps accompanied by a loved one's name. Many Mexican gang members have multiple sophisticated tattoos, allowing the individual to literally wear his identity and emotions on his skin, if not his sleeve!

Oh knickers!

Nice Gil Elvgren reproduction from Abby Stewart.

I've got the thorn!

Another wonderful piece from Nikko Hurtado!

Booty Shakin'

New School at its best, from Leah Moule.

strange LION FLY tattoos smart idea for calf tattoos for girls,

calf tattoos for girls, lion fly tattoo, Butterfly tattoos, calf tattoos, lion tattoos, tattoos for girl ideas

Locating Even One Good Picture of Tattoo Designs Can Be Hard

If you are having an issue locating even one single good picture of tattoo designs, you're not alone. The fact of the matter is that most fall into this category, because of how they try to "look" for galleries. There's no need to follow that awful path, because I'll tell you a bullet proof way to uncover not just a good picture of tattoos designs, but websites full of them.

Not many people have been able to pull up whole sites that are filled with crisp, well drawn artwork, especially when it comes to pictures. Most of you will probably end up at these bland sites that post the most generic stuff and the most cookie cutter artwork. Like I said, it's all about how you're finding these galleries. The worst way to do it is by clicking through search engine listings. Sure, you will have your choice of just about any picture of tattoo designs, but they will all be completely generic.

That's the only type of galleries coming up in those generated lists. This is why I tell people to stop using them, because they waste so much time there. Your better choice is to use forums. Big forums to be exact. You will be hard pressed to find a better and more convenient way to find so much inside info on tattoos. If you're tired of seeing the same awful picture of tattoo designs for the style you like, you need the assistance of a big forum's archive section.

These archives are massive. By default, you will be able to pull up 100's of topics on tattoos. They are everywhere. Men and women from all over the globe have shared their input on various subjects here, including the websites where' they have personally found amazing artwork and original, high quality tattoos. That's where you want to look for a good picture of tattoo designs. It's these hidden places that take pride in having sensational artwork for their surfers.

It can make browsing for a good picture of tattoo designs pretty fun, especially when you get to see better and more original tattoos.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to any great Picture of Tattoo Designs.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the resource site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of star tattoos you will ever see. Finding great artwork has never been easier.

Title: Locating Even One Good Picture of Tattoo Designs Can Be Hard
Author: Adam Woodham

cover up tattoo designs BY- Ed Hardy tattoo

Savvi's temporary tattoos are made in the USA using vegetable inks and ingredients that are FDA and FD&C approved. The tattoos are applied with water and last for several days. They can be removed with baby oil or rubbing alcohol.

• Contains 30 Realistic Looking Temporary Tattoos
• High Quality and Long Lasting
• Easy to Apply and Remove
• FD&C Approved Ingredients, Does Not Contain Lead
• Made in the USA

Pictures of Tattoos - An Amazing Way to Get Ideas

Looking through pictures of tattoos is an astounding ways to get ideas. It gets your creative juices flowing, which is an important part of selecting the perfect design for yourself. You need to make sure you're actually seeing great artwork, though, because you can't really get much out of a bunch of generic tattoo art. Here's how to ensure that you see real, crystal clear pictures of tattoos.

You can speed up the process a lot by getting an idea of what a gallery has within the first minute of stepping into their website. If the first couple of pages are loaded with nothing but cookie cutter pictures of tattoos, you should probably walk away from them, because that's what you'll see for the next hour. A lot of sites don't care that their pages are stuffed with generic junk, which is a drastically growing problem on the net.

The way to tell if a website will be worth looking though is to do a random search and see what comes up. Are there a lot of truly original designs to look at? Are you seeing the same bland stuff as the last place? Also, look at the top of the website and see if they have a message board. These little places are so valuable, because many of them are loaded with people sharing their thoughts and opinions. You can even find new galleries that have pictures of tattoos, because people always tend to talk about the great galleries they've found recently.

Last but not least, a good gallery is not afraid to tell their visitors where they get their pictures of tattoos. If they don't, you can assume that they're just stealing any generic stuff they can from around the web, just so they can fill their database. If they "do" let you know, that's a very good sign, because this means that real artists are probably sending in their picture galleries. It also means that other people are sending in picture galleries of their own tats, which is a great way to get ideas.

Looking at pictures of tattoos is the first real step toward making your own choices, so it should never be a step you bypass.

Here are the 3 largest, most original websites to find thousands of great Pictures of Tattoos.

Adam Woodham is the author of this article and runs the resource site Quality Tattoo Art, which features the 3 top websites, with the absolute largest gallery of star tattoos you will ever see.

Title: Pictures of Tattoos - An Amazing Way to Get Ideas
Author: Adam Woodham

beauty classy tattoos for girls

Picture of Tribal Tattoo For You - 3 Ways to Choose

Choosing the right picture of tribal tattoo can range from randomly selecting a generic design you feel looks good, to actually researching the meaning behind a particular picture of tribal tattoo. Here are three ways to choose a picture of tribal tattoo for you:

1. Randomly choose a tribal design. This is probably the most common method individuals use, and it's unfortunate for a number of reasons. There has been a heavy trend towards tribal tattoo designs in the past ten years, and many have hopped on the bandwagon, gone out and randomly chose a picture of tribal tattoo they thought was "cool". Had it not been trendy they wouldn't have ever thought to choose a picture of tribal tattoo to place on their body. These type of tattoo decisions are the one's where regret later sets in after the trend wears off. Many feel foolish after realizing how "not-unique" their tattoo is while seeing everyone and their brother with a random picture of tribal tattoo wrapped around the arm!

2. Finding meaning. Now finding meaning when looking for a picture of tribal tattoo, can be done out of a weak rationalization that this will somehow justify jumping on the bandwagon. If you truly are after significance in your ink then do your due diligence, but if your a trend hopper then just hop on and be done with it. Fortunately for those seeking symbols or meaning, searching for a picture of tribal tattoo, can be very rewarding and exciting. You can begin by researching the various tribes and finding a picture of tribal tattoo, and learning the meaning behind it. Native Indian, North American Indian, Pacific Northwest American Indian, Indigenous, African, Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec, Hawaiian, Samoan, Maori, South Pacific, Micronesian, Polynesian, Melanesian, are but a few tribal tattoo designs to look into.

3. Incorporating the Modern. This method involves incorporating both modern design with tribal design, but doing so in a tasteful way. This reflects both the current day while also representing the past. Basically a tattoo design is used, say a particular object of some sort, then the picture of tribal tattoo design is incorporated around it, alongside it, or preferably in a way where "equal billing" is given to both the object and picture of tribal tattoo. Many of the weaker versions of this simply have tribal "arms" sticking out from the object. Here the picture of tribal tattoo is essentially demoted to that of flames. Stronger versions of incorporation involve utilizing the tribal tat in a way that works alongside the object in some manner, visually or symbolically.

Finding the right picture of tribal tattoo may seem easy on the surface, but if you are into finding something unique with meaning, then its worth researching. The right picture of tribal tattoo combined with your favorite modern tattoo is also worth much research and thought. Ultimately you want to have your tribal tattoo choice and experience be memorable, and not regretful.

Want to see the ultimate collection of tribal tattoo designs? Check this out- Mine and my bro's blog where one can find out how to view tons of tribal tattoo designs. Feel free to visit and thanks for reading!

Title: Picture of Tribal Tattoo For You - 3 Ways to Choose
Author: Chess McDoogle

Best Tattoo Picture Galleries

The best tattoo picture galleries will have certain qualities and options available to you, that lesser galleries will not have. Here is what to look for in a good, solid tattoo gallery:

1. Different Design Categories

Very important! If you are looking for tribal designs, then you don't want to have to sift through hundreds of butterfly designs to find your ideal tribal. A good gallery is going to have categories so you can simply click on the "tribal"section (or whichever design category your interested in, dragon tattoos, star tattoos, lower back tattoos and so forth) and then get access to all tribal designs.

2. High Quality Designs.

Try to pick up on what kind of designs are being offered quality wise. If there's mention of "high quality" or "award winning designs" or anything else giving you an idea that these are not the usual amateur type designs, then this is a very good sign. There are a lot of galleries out there that have very elementary, simple, and at best average designs available.

3. Added features.

You want your tattoo searching to be easy and fun. Along with categories, look for other features like choosing what size you want, or color options for your design. The best tattoo picture galleries will enable you to easily print out your designs that you choose so you can present them to an artist and get inked.

4. Membership pay sites.

Here's a big one and I'll explain why. Make sure the gallery you choose is a membership site which you have to pay a fee for. Why? Because the best tattoo picture galleries are all pay membership sites! The free sites are horrible and can be incredibly frustrating. It's always best to invest in a good gallery site so you know you are getting access to high quality work for your life long tattoo choice.

Here's one of the best tattoo picture galleries online, offering thousands of high quality designs in different categories -

This has been a favorite gallery personally, and many of my tattoo enthusiast friends spend hours here every week searching for the latest cool designs (the site gets updated with new work regularly). Check it out at -

Title: Best Tattoo Picture Galleries
Author: Chess McDoogle

Article Source:

wrist tattoos for girls

People love get character tattoos on their wrist, and these are really cool.
Tattoos on wrist
This is a cool tattoo owned by i'mcool said:it means a lot to me and i've wanted it for a long time now. i'm so happy that i've finally done it.
(this is for every person that plays an important role in my life.
and it is also to remind myself that when there is no one else there i have the strength within myself.....corny.....but true.)
And here are more tattoos on wrist.
wrist Tattoos for women
Tattoos on wrist
pictures of wrist tattoos .
Tattoos on wrist
Tattoos on wrist
Tattoos on wrist

extream tattoos for girls

free Cobra tattoo designsfree Cobra tattoo designs Cobra tattoo designs
Do you love snake tattoo?If you love the awesome snake tattoo, you must love the king cobra tattoo!Right.The cobra tattoo is really cool!Here are some cobra tattoo pictures for you.If you want to have a new tattoo, you may consider this if you want.But, before you do this tattoo, should know the meaning of cobra tattoos!
tribal Cobra tattoo designs
tribal Cobra tattoo designs tribal Cobra tattoo _by_shwokeeshplat
king cobra tattoo  pictures What's the meaning of Cobra Tattoo ?
The meaning of Cobra Tattoos:they embodied such women’s characteristics as mysteriousness, intuition and unpredictability. For men a cobra means power and wisdom, but it is also a sign of insidiousness, slyness and darkness. Such tattoo can mean protectiveness over the people whose initials are inked or it can be a tattoo made in loving memory of those who are gone that shows that the tattoo owner will never forget them.
cobra tattoo  pictures